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We share your passion to bring running water in every home. To do this, we provide you with innovative technological and financial solutions to improve your water distribution operations and serve everyone 100% of the time.
Our step-by-step approach helps you choose and deploy the most appropriate actions to increase your revenue and reduce costs.
We offer a modular software platform with a selection of hardware and services to detect invisible losses, enhance active leak management, improve meter accuracy, monitor DMAs, calculate NRW indicators, etc.

Who are we?
A team, based in France, Kenya, and Mexico, that combines strong experience in the water sector and in-depth expertise of the most innovative technologies.
We offer a unique smart and Pay-as-you-Consume (PAY-C) solution:
PAY-C to avoid customer debts and eliminate accounts receivable.
SMART metering to automatize metering / billing / collection operations and detect abnormal behaviors (e.g. water thefts, leaks)
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